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Archive for June 2011

Forex Strategy Trading Hints: How to Utilize Forex News to Trade the Foreign Exchange Market

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Fundamental analysis is the study of how the worldwide events and news affect the currency markets.

In this edition of my Forex strategy trading Hints I will be teaching you how I you can implement fundamental indicators to help you take better trading judgements.

The usage of fundamental analysis in the currency market is done by utilizing economic indicators. These fundamental indicators provide you with economical elements of a country that can assist you to assess the state of a country’s currency. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 27, 2011 at 5:02 am

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Forex Strategy Trading guidelines: Learn The fundamentals Of global forex trading

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Forex strategy trading is an amazingly lucrative investment to be involved in. It is the exchange of foreign commodities worldwide sold for a profit depending on what the market is operating with and the size of the lot.

Trading the FX Market is not like the stock market where they are dictated by the SEC. In Forex most of the trading is done through online trading platforms and a network of banking brokers.

A large portion of the wealth that is exchanges comes from only five percent of the market banks and the big boys.

The other 95% comes from smaller investors who may have a few thousand dollars in their account to play with.

Without a doubt there is a lot of technical jargon involved like, Fibonacci retracement, which tells you where the level at which a market trend will break, and fundamental analysis which simply means information you are fed over the news.

These types of terms frighten a good number of novice Forex traders, but believe me they are not difficult to learn and there is no reason why you can not understand all of them.

The main principle is to buy one currency at an exchange rate that will move up enough in value to be able to buy more of a currency which is worth less now because of the raised value all centralized around the US dollar.

The 0.0001 example I gave above is spot on for most of the major markets, but for the smaller ones sometimes the price might be measured differently.

I hope this article has been helpful in assisting you to fully understand just how Forex strategy trading works.

Sincerely yours,
Jay Molina
Pro foreign exchange trader & Educator

Written by takano27

June 23, 2011 at 4:28 pm

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Forex Strategy Trading Tips: 4 Easy New ways to Discover Your Trading Personality

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Most Forex investors don’t understand the reality that their personality will have a high effect on their trading career. Regardless if you are a discretionary trader who takes all his trades manually or you use automated Forex strategy trading strategies, your personality will have an effect on your trading success.


Understating how your unique personality can affect your revenue can be fairly complicated because most Forex programmes, schools, and mentors don’t educate you on how to do this. In this edition of my Forex strategy trading tips I am going to teach you 4 ways to discover your trading personality.


Learn your risk threshold and your risk boundaries:


Each and every trader has a unique risk threshold. In my trading career I have come across traders who would not tolerate risk at all and they would prefer to have a money manager handle all of the trading.


On the other hand, I have met individuals who had a high-risk tolerance and consequently traded 5% to 10% per trade (not what I would recommend.). Determining your risk tolerance will assist you to understand the money management tactics you need to apply to your trading. Figuring out your limits will allow you to under no circumstances take unreasonable judgements because you are trading beyond your limits.


Find the appropriate trading style for you:


Your trading style should be chosen based on your personality. For example, if you are a patient investor who can hold a position for a few days, then swing trading might be for you. Maybe you like a lot of excitement and fast paced trading, in this case you might want to look into scalping, and so on.


By picking a trading style that helps you to develop a balance between your trading career and your personality you will increase your chances to become a incredibly lucrative Fx trader.


Uncover your own personal motivators:


A motivator is the reason or reasons a person for acting or behaving in a particular way. It is also the reason why we all do things and take action. In Currency trading, people normally have two motivators. First, a number of people are motivated by the monetary rewards they can receive from trading Fx. Second, some people become motivated because of the self fulfillment they can get from trading the markets.


Finding your motivators will allow you to better plan your approach to the market. The best way to find your motivators is by asking yourself: “What motivates me to trade? Why do I want to be successful at trading?”


Define what will indicate that you are out of your comfort trading zone:


You comfort trading zone is the moment when you feel completely in sync with the markets and you are able to trade the markets profitably, maintain your emotions out of the picture, and make money at ease.


Defining how to measure if you are out of your comfort zone can help you to know when to go back to the basics and especially stop trading.

A few good examples of indicators that you are out of your comfort zone include: a certain amount of days without a winning trade, you find yourself taking irrational trades, or your stress levels from trading are abnormal.


Remember, learning how to efficiently implement Forex strategy trading is a on going process and the more knowledgeable you became the better you will perform as a speculator.

Written by takano27

June 12, 2011 at 8:07 pm

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5 Advantages of using Forex Trading Signal Software

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Currency trading has produced a lot of rich individuals in the past few years and it will continue to make a lot of more affluent individuals. Being a Currency exchange trader can be quite simple but it doesn’t mean that is easy.

There are lots of considerations including: choosing a trading strategy, developing your trading abilities, funding your trading account, and much more. One of the greatest complications most traders face is picking out good levels to enter and exit the market. Needless to say, entering and exiting the market at ideal levels is essential for FX trading success. In this article, I would like to discuss the key benefits of using Forex trading signal software to assist you to make smarter trading decisions.

Let expert traders do all the hard work for you: The main thing I like about Currency exchange signal solutions is that they take out all the guess work from Forex trading. Since you have professional Fx traders analyze the markets and send you the signals, you will be able to free yourself from the screens. It is like having a professional team of Fx traders helping you. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 9, 2011 at 10:50 am

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Forex Secret Trading Tips:How I Fired my Boss & Started to Trade From the Beaches of Florida

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Our society tells us that we have to go to school, get a secure job, get married, and then be happy forever, right? Well, the truth is that this life model is very obsolete and I identified this flaw is our system ever since my first years in college. Later on my life I also made the decision that if I wanted to get anywhere I was going to have to take my future on my own hands, so I did.


At the time I was working full time as a business developer for a “Forex guru” who was building a trading software company. I liked my job but I was working myself to the bone and didn’t have any leisure time.

Despite the fact that I didn’t want to admit it I knew it was a dead end job. The only way for me to reach true financial freedom was to take my future on my own hands. In this edition of my Forex secret trading tips I would like to present to my readers 4 tricks that helped me to fire my boss and start to trade from the shores of Florida.



Opening your own trading business:


Choosing to run my own Forex business was the best decision I’ve ever made. I finally was having the ability to pick my own schedule, decide how much money I want to make, and particularly I can trade and make a living from any place in the world. In the last years I’ve been trading from the tropical beaches in Costa Rica, Miami, Siesta beach, Tampa beach, the Caribbean and a lot of other places.



Increasing your options and opportunities:


Ever since I decided to run my own Foreign currency trading business I have connected with thousands of people and traders from all throughout the world. Additionally, I have been able to develop trading strategies, partners, and a network of FX traders that otherwise wouldn’t be achievable.



Never put all your eggs in the same basket


: When you only have one revenue stream (say for example a full time job) you are in danger. You are a disposable asset for the company you work for and if they find someone who is faster than you, less expensive than you, or more qualified than you they won’t hesitate to replace you. This is why you need to develop a second revenue stream from Forex currency trading to have a fall back plan in case the unanticipated happens.



How you can fire your boss and secure your financial plans:


Most people depend on a job to make a living and support their own families. The problem is that when you work for a business you are just a disposable asset to your boss.


Some people will not agree with me but as a business owner I understand the way other business managers and owners think. This is not personal, is just business. Entrepreneurs focus their efforts on lowering operating expenses and increasing revenues and employees are in the expense column. That is why you need to secure your family’s economical future by trading the FX market and putting your money to work for you.

Lots of people even decide to take it one step further and become full time traders. In Currency trading the sky is the limit and you are the only person that determines how far you want to go. Make sure to return soon for additional Forex secret trading tips.




Jay Molina

Pro Trader & Educator

Written by takano27

June 9, 2011 at 4:45 am

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Online Trading Reviews:4 Tips on how to Assess a Forex trading Mentorship Program

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One of the things that changed my trading career was the Forex mentors I had at the start of my career. This actually also allowed me to learn from the greatest fx traders (individuals who had been managing millions) and cut the learning curve to a few months, rather than years.


I read hundred of online trading reviews and I even bought quite a few trading systems nonetheless they always performed poorly. This is when I made the decision that if I was going to get anywhere as a Forex trader I was going to have to take my financial future on my own hands. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 7, 2011 at 12:51 pm

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Currency Trading Tips: 4 Emotional Threats Every single Fx Trader Should Know About

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The mental aspect of trading better known as trading psychology is often ignored by a good number of fx traders. Due to this fact, these kind of traders suffer from the psychological manipulation of the markets. The reality is that the markets and currency prices are a representation of what fx traders are feeling.

For instance, whenever Foreign exchange traders are feeling unsure a support or resistance level is formed. The emotions that are felt by the market players determine what currency prices will do next.

Trading psychology plays a very important function in Forex currency trading and understanding how your emotions and personality can affect your trading is vital for success. In this section of my currency trading tips series I would like to discuss 4 psychological threats that you should know about and that can stop you from reaching your financial goals. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 5, 2011 at 7:17 pm

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Foreign Currency Exchange Trading Tips: 5 Guidelines on how to Make the Most Out of Trading Losses

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Quite a few books have already been written on how to make money in the market. A great number of books can be very useful when you are learning new techniques to take advantage of the Forex. However, what you don’t see often are books or articles that teach you how to react and take losses.

Foreign currency exchange trading can lead to be a very effective trader as long as you educate yourself and develop your trading skills. Learning how to take a loss is one of the most important lessons you will learn as a trader. In this trading article I would like to share with you 5 ways to make the most out of your trading losses. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 5, 2011 at 3:30 am

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Currency Trading Tips: How to Find the proper Trading Style for yourself

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Everybody has different needs and life styles and therefore, trading is not a one-size fits all business. Today I’m going to be discussing the various trading styles within Foreign currency trading and how they may suit your life and investing specifications. I hope you find my currency trading tips useful. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 3, 2011 at 2:55 am

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Currency Trading Tips: 5 Important things Most Unprofitable Forex Investors Don’t Know

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In the last couple of years I have learned that most unprofitable Forex traders commit precisely the same mistakes and lack the same amount of information. The problem is that to put it together and become profitable a Forex trader needs to develop several different skills. In this currency trading tips article you will learn 5 things that most unprofitable Forex traders don’t know. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by takano27

June 2, 2011 at 1:49 pm

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